Upasthiti (Frontend)
An Attendance Management system that was a project idea given by one of my professor but due to the shortened Semester tenure, it was incomplete and still is. I built this project with 2 very talented Frontend Developers. (can't disclose names) The Idea was to make it possible to handle State-wide student Attendance data and generate useful Insights out of it, including but not limited to the Geographical density of students in various parts of State, stats related to migrating students, day to day analysis of students in classes etc. This is the Frontend for the Application which was written by me and 2 more people (can't disclose name) using Nuxt 2. We used MDB for it's Design System with our own custom color pallette. Since our backend was REST based API, we decided to make our site a SPA. We had various logcial components in the project that would allow access to site based on roles. We created many custom components for various UI elements like togglers, timelines, tables etc. It was hosted on Vercel but after Heroku free tier ended, it was removed from Vercel.
Upasthti (Backend)
An Attendance Management system that was a project idea given by one of my professor but due to the shortened Semester tenure, it was incomplete and still is. I built this project with 2 very talented Frontend Developers. (can't disclose names) The Idea was to make it possible to handle State-wide student Attendance data and generate useful Insights out of it, including but not limited to the Geographical density of students in various parts of State, stats related to migrating students, day to day analysis of students in classes etc. This is the Backend for the Application which was written by me, using Django. We used PostgreSQL for it's database and JWT refresh token based Authentication system for Auth. Since we opted for a REST based API backend, we made use of swagger docs as well and kept our API compliant to OAS as much as possible. And it was hosted on Heroku, for as long the free tier was available.
Inforum (Frontend)
A Forum + Blogging Web Application I built with a team of 3 people for 5th semester College Project. The Idea was to create a StackOverflow like community Forum Application aimed specifically for the Students of the College. This is the Frontend for the Application which was written by me and one more person (cannot disclose name) using Nuxt 2. We used MDB for it's Design System with our own custom color pallette. Since our backend was REST based API, we decided to make our site a SPA. We had various logcial components in the project that would allow access to site based on roles. We also wrote our own form Validation system. We also made use of TinyMCE to add the ability to create Rich content for users. We also used Cloudinary for using media fiels like images and also had uploader in our frontend that would upload the media to Cloudinary and then we'd use the returned and store in Database for further use. It was hosted on Vercel but after Heroku free tier ended, it was removed from Vercel.
Inforum (Backend)
A Forum + Blogging Web Application I built with a team of 3 people for 5th semester College Project. The Idea was to create a StackOverflow like community Forum Application aimed specifically for the Students of the College. This is the Backend for the Application which was written by me, using ASP dotnet 6. We used SQL Server 2019 for it's database and JWT Token based Authentication system for Auth. Since we opted for a REST based API backend, we made use of swagger docs as well and kept our API compliant to OAS as much as possible. And it was hosted on Heroku, for as long the free tier was available.
GH Grabber (Android App)
An Android Application to grab User public Information from GitHub using GitHub's API. It grabs the public Information of user like their name, email, repositories etc.
Product API
An API for Products emulating Flipkart and Amazon vendor to provide a dummy API backend. This Project was built by me for my Batchmate who needed an API backend to list out projects for their Project.
GH Grabber
A Web Application to grab User public Information from GitHub using GitHub's API. It grabs the public Information of user like their name, email, repositories etc.
Wrenchlog (also blog)
A Blog Site I built will learning Django. This Project was my many Portfolio/Blog Site. This Project used various packages django like django-ckeditor, django Jazzmin, Pillow etc.to build the full on Blogging system with PostgreSQL as Database. I also used Dropbox with Django storages for storing media files. It used to be hosted on Heroku.
A Calculator to perform simple Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division built using JS and MDB
A Blog Site I built will learning Flask. This Project was my first Portfolio/Blog Site. And where all the Web Development of mine started. Thie Project used various packages like SQLAlchemy, PageDown(WYSIWYG), Pillow etc.to build the full on Blogging system with sqlite as Database.
A Task manager built using Flask. This is just a simple Task Manager (todo crud) to manage one's tasks.
Tic Tac Toe
A Basic Command Line game made using c++,named Tic Tac Toe. There will be two players, 'Player1' and 'Player 2' WHo will compete against each other in a Game of Tic Tac Toe. The C++ Version used is ISO so Turbo won't work.
Image Viewer
A Simple Image Viewer built using Windows Forms and C#. This project, I worked on in 2020, when I was learning C# and wanted to make GUI Application. So I decided to build a very simple Image Viewer as an Exercise and it turned out good.